Our Team

Our Team


Saraah Ries

K-2nd Grade Teacher

Corrine Bennett

3-5th Grade Teacher

Kari Christians

Secondary English and Science Teacher
Special Education Coordinator

Jason Tiegen

Cross Country Coach

Kimberlie Tiegen

Administrative Assistant

Ginger Bailey

Director of Project Development

Angie Heidelberger

Head of School
Secondary History and Literature Teacher


Reggie Adams

Fund Development

Jessi Bouldin

Special Needs/Mental Health

Dean Dainsberg

Orchestra Teacher

Committee of Spiritual Advisors

The Committee of Advisors partners with the President to advance the Kingdom of God through the ministry.

Alice Christianson

Spiritual Advisor

Diane Middendorf

Spiritual Advisor

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors partners with the President setting policy in the management of the Corporation.

Shannon Craig

Aaron Neubert

Mike Troen

Board of Overseers

The Board of Overseers protects the ministry through counsel, prayer and, if required, the discipline of the President.

Lisa Bowden

Steve Olson

Jean Ferguson

Get Involved

We are looking for parents, teachers, donors, and volunteers to make Sacred Journey Academy a reality. Fill out this form and we will call you with next steps.

Get Involved

We are looking for parents, teachers, donors, and volunteers to make Sacred Journey Academy a reality. Fill out this form and we will call you with next steps.