Phil Sammon

Bus Driver
On-site Security

Phil studied Computer Science at the University of Virginia and later focused on Public and Corporate Communications at Butler University. He also trained in Journalism, Broadcasting, and Public Affairs in the Navy where he served for 12 years. 

Before retiring, Phil worked for 34 years in different federal agencies, earning numerous awards and other accolades both during his military service and as a federal employee. Most recently (2017-2021), he worked for the Palmer Bus Service as a school bus driver and general manager and for the Douglas County Veterans Service Office as a driver (2021-2023). 

Phil and his wife were saved in a church in Newport News, VA, in 1999. Since then they have attended different churches in several states as they’ve moved for employment opportunities. Over the past two decades, the Sammons have enjoyed serving in a wide range of ministries: teaching in youth groups, children’s ministry, and other classes; delivering sermons; leading small groups and Bible studies; and working with the marriage ministry for special events. Currently, they volunteer in Guest Services and serve in the praise and worship groups. 

Honoring God is of primary importance in Phil’s life and decision-making. His desire to honor the Lord can be readily seen in his love and devotion to family as well as in the ways he chooses to use his knowledge and experience for the good of others. Joining SJA’s staff was an outflow of that desire. As the bus driver and on-site security, Phil is committed to the good of our students and the service of our families.

Phil and his lovely bride, Teri, have been married since March 1989 and have four wonderful adult children. Their oldest daughter lives in Bemidji, and their three younger children live in the Alexandria area. They are all active in their churches, in various ministries and small groups, and in seeking the Kingdom. 

Phil’s favorite hobby is writing. In fact, he has self-published a book of short stories and is currently working on two different full-length novels! In the past he has written numerous sermons and small group lessons as well as plays and a vacation bible school program. Another hobby he looks forward to doing more of is traveling. He and his wife expect that travel will play a larger part in their lives as the years go by…and hopefully enjoying future grandchildren will play a large part, too!

The Sammons attend Church for the Harvest.