

Sacred Journey Academy Financial

At Sacred Journey Academy, we strongly believe that Christian education is a process, not a commodity. It’s a ministry of discipleship and relationship.

It’s a commitment. It’s a connection – a connection between your child’s needs and your family philosophy and our philosophy. That’s why at SJA, the first and most important consideration is what is best educationally and spiritually for your child. All other considerations are secondary.

Consistent with that philosophy, our goal at Sacred Journey Academy is that no otherwise qualified student and family are turned away for reasons of finance.

SJA’s tuition reflects the realistic cost of program excellence. At the same time, we anticipate awarding at least $40,000 in needs-based financial aid who will not be able to afford to pay the full cost to educate their children.

The first step in the financial aid process is the initial Educational Success Consultation with our President, Angie Heidelberger. Through the ESC, we mutually determine whether or not your family and child(ren) are a good fit for SJA.

After that, the financial aid process begins for families that need it. While there are many practical details, such as our use of an outside financial aid assessment company, the most important aspect of both tuition and financial aid decisions is that it is grounded in a Biblical, ministry philosophy.

As a non-profit ministry, providing a unique learning experience to your children that is centered on Jesus is what drives us. Not money. That’s why we do not publish our tuition rates, but of course will provide them at the initial consultation.

To schedule an Educational Success Consultation with our Head of School, Angie Heidelberger, call ( 320 ) 391-0410 or email