Crystal Schroeder

K-2 Paraprofessional

Mrs. Schroeder’s entire career has revolved around taking care of others, from the oldest to the youngest. For over 40 years she worked with the elderly as a caretaker, and for 5 years she has worked with children as a paraprofessional. She has always enjoyed caretaking and believes it to be one of the primary reasons she was placed on this earth. 

Working at Sacred Journey Academy is especially exciting for Mrs. Schroeder, because it gives her freedom and opportunity to share her faith and help students grow in theirs. Her life motto, “Live by faith, grow in grace, and walk in love,” will be on display through tangible acts of service as well as her interactions with students. Her prayer is to be a witness of Jesus’ love to the children of SJA and to share with them the stories of God’s faithfulness. 

Over the course of her life, Mrs. Schroeder has been involved in Bible studies, volunteered as a Sunday School teacher, served on altar guild, and participated as a member of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League. Her lifelong faith has grown each year. And her daily goal has remained the same – to walk with the Lord and seek His guidance in each decision.

Crystal and her husband, Don, have 3 grown daughters, 3 sons-in-law, and 8 grandchildren. Her favorite thing to do is spend time with her family, but she also enjoys taking long walks, dancing, and attending her grandchildren’s activities. 

The Schroeders attend Zion Lutheran Church.